Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Google Reader

Sign at the GoogleplexImage via WikipediaI have started using Google Reader so that I can more efficiently read all the different blogs that I love. Not only is it really easy to use, but it also makes it easy for me to find new blogs that I am interested in. I hope that this will save me a lot of time so that I have more time to blog, twitter, and research while I am online.

With all this new efficiency I added several blogs to my reading list. So, I thought that this would be a good time to share the atheist blogs that I currently subscribe to with all of you. Feel free to recommend others that you think I should be reading. I am sure that I am missing out on some real gems and I don't want to be.

1azy lizzie's blog
A Division by Zer0
Almost Diamonds
Atheist Ethicist
Atheist Haven
Atheist Nation
Atheist Revolution
Bad Astronomy
Chicken Girl
Daylight Atheism
Deep Thoughts
Evolved and Rat/i/onal
Ex Christian
Exsisto Sane
Friendly Atheist
i get pissed
Oz Atheist's Weblog
Protium the Heathen
Radical Atheist
Sean the Blogonaut
The Atheist Blogger
The Good Atheist
The Summer Squirrel
Ungodly Cynic

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nice reading list. i see a few i need to add myself!

Thank you SO MUCH for posting your reading list!
You have some good blogs on there, and some that I might check out. You have to watch outfor that Sean fellow though
Thanks for including my blog. I've been using Google Reader for years and have actually become quite proficient with the shortcut keys. I hardly even use the mouse anymore. I like to star things that I might want to blog or comment about later. Also, you can put your shared Google Reader items directly on your blog.
When you're done being new at GR, try out http://www.FriendFeed.com,and bring your blog, your shared stuff from Google Reader, your comments (here and elsewhere0, Twitter, Facebook (if you use it) and YouTube all together in one place! :)
Glad to see I'm on your list :) Just found you out from the linkback.
And I see Intense Debate as well. Very well done :)

PS: The Blogonaut is correct about that shady Sean fellow. Stay away :P
Thanks for including me too!
One of my favorite things about google reader is that you can share your favorite items. I have a widget (provided by google) that displays my shared items. It's an absolutely great way to let your friends and readers know what's aroused your curiosity. I think it's as insightful and useful as delicious or stumbleupon quite frankly. You can even add your own "clippings" or items from around the web that you are not subscribed to.

Oh, and my recommendation for a blog to subscribe to is my won. Yes, I'm a shameless self-promoter.
I use Google Reader as well, but I would be curious to hear what other RSS feed readers other people find useful.
Nice set of blogs. I myself subscribe to Planet Atheism because it has most of the good atheist blogs under one feed. BTW, I also use Google Reader, it's great.

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