This sounds like a pretty good idea for a variety of reasons. First off, we might actually be able to teach real science in the classroom without them butting in and wanting their pseudoscience Intelligent Design BS given equal time.
Second, there might actually be a real sex ed section in health class that hasn't been watered down by the religious nuts who think that abstinence only education actually works. It is about time that public schools taught teens about STDs and how to protect themselves. This education is critical because, as all of us rational people know, many teens are having sex.
Third, classes could have honest discussions about social issues such as homosexuality, assisted suicide, and abortion, among others, without it turning into a argument of what each students invisible friend thinks about the issue.
There are only a few draw backs that I am seeing to this whole plan. First, the fact that public schools wouldn't get as much money because their student population would decrease. Also, since there wouldn't be as much money or student there would be a lot of teachers out of jobs. Although, many of the Christian teachers may go to Christian school since they would be in need of more brainwashers so maybe it would all sort of even out.
What do you think?
ignored_ethos 41p · 845 weeks ago
Jack 119p · 845 weeks ago
Poodles · 845 weeks ago
Dave · 845 weeks ago
I'm very happy to find your blog page.
Goddless_Woman 43p · 845 weeks ago
deleted609912 88p · 845 weeks ago
Jack 119p · 845 weeks ago
Michael_White 36p · 845 weeks ago
Larro 73p · 845 weeks ago
freethinkerguy · 845 weeks ago
The other thing to keep in mind is that for every obnoxious "Brother Jed", there are 10-20 or more moderate to liberal christians, who believe but are not actively proselytizing and pretty much are at school because they have to be. What passes for modern day christianity is more modern humanism with (carefully chosen) bits and pieces of biblical theology (the "socially acceptable" parts). This was at least my experience growing up around major metropolitan areas in Texas. I was that "Brother Jed" then and I stood out.
I'm disturbed by the military rhetoric and naming. "Call to Dunkirk"? To help them return again on D-day? What is D-day supposed to be? When their theocracy-wishes come to fruition? Or is this really just saber-rattling?
You know, you almost have to wonder. Are evangelicals starting to feel like they're losing the culture war? We'll eventually get educated and tolerant and civil and the so-called "issues" won't matter. They won't be able to use them to make us hate anymore. Nobody looks at Elvis Presley's music and thinks it's "of the devil" anymore. But people seriously did in the 60s. And nobody seriously thinks (or at least publicly admits thinking) that we should go back to Jim Crow. Could it be that we're becoming sufficiently tolerant as a society as to make the evangelicals nervous? That this is a last ditch effort for them to attempt to grab power, by arousing a sense of nostalgia and anxiety about "back sliding"?
Waldheri 58p · 844 weeks ago
The video message is very... disturbing. "Our forefathers marched and bled and even died so we would not have to accept the kind of inferior, education that is currently inflicted on many minority students... The first place we need to march, is right out of the doors of those Christ-dishonouring, academically inferior, soul-killing government indoctrination centres". Add some videos from nazi Germany in, and you score FAIL on the fundamental scale.
Scriptulicious · 842 weeks ago
im_pinoy 64p · 651 weeks ago
Eric · 489 weeks ago